Hi! Welcome to Cinnamon Rolls and Mixing Bowls! I’m so glad you stopped by!
I am Rebecca, the heart and dream behind Cinnamon Rolls and Mixing Bowls and I’m so excited to share with you my love and interest in easy crockpot meals, frugal and simple living and so much more!
A little about me.
I grew up on a quiet dead end road in the country and my siblings and I thoroughly enjoyed many adventures and explorations on our little farmstead. We undertook many things like builidng impossible tree forts with branches, playing little house on the prairie, making a cemetery for all our poor unfortunate pets that we had and such things.
Being the oldest, I had the tendency to be the leader type, (and most will admit that I was indeed a bossy sort of person), and so I was usually the ring leader in most instances. I would coax my siblings, cousins, friends or whoever we were with to do whatever I thought at the moment would be the greatest and best thing ever. Looking back I feel bad how much others had to put up with.
Nevertheless, looking back, we have wonderful memories together!
From an early age I was drawn to household tasks. I had a wonderful example from my mom who was a devoted homemaker and cook, and I learned many of my skills from her, which I took with me later when I got married.
I was never one to sit around empty-handed, and in my single years at home, I kept busy with farmers markets and area craft shows, cooking for my family, helping grandparents and neighbors, sewing for myself, and the family and much more.
At 27 I got married and my life took a different turn. I had lots of time on my hands and used the opportunity to open up an Etsy shop that I always wanted to have.
I really enjoy having my own home and the satisfaction I have by blessing my husband and daughter every day! Some of my favorite things that keep me busy lately are Meal planning and prepping, cooking and baking, trying out new recipes on a regular basis, implementing sourdough, keeping the house tidy and clean, and encouraging other moms and homemakers in their life.
I sell beeswax wraps, sewing creations and baked goods at various craft shows and farmers markets in the area. I have very early memories of working the farmers market booth with my dad. It is something that I continue to enjoy and do.
This blog is my newest adventure, and I look forward to having you along in this journey! I hope this blog will be of help and encouragement to you. If there’s anything you would like to read more of, please let me know. I’d love to hear your questions and imput.
A few interesting things about me
some of my pet peeves
I can’t stand the tablecloth being crooked
I don’t mind toys been scattered on the floor from my baby, but clutter bothers me!
I don’t like stepping in snow from shoes in the house and getting wet socks, lol
I was the first grandchild born on both sides and was born on my maternal grandam’s (Oma’s) birthday
I am second generation born in America and I have lots of European background in me. (I had the privilege to visit Germany and a few other surrounding countries when I was 5). While we were there we rode a train that was later in the day derailed and killed several people due to a wrench being left on the tracks during maintenance. Praise God He kept us safe!
That is all for now!
Thank you for reading and getting a glimpse into who I am. I look forward to connecting with you in the future! Check back often for new blog posts, blog updates and much more fun stuff to come! I hope that what I have to offer you will help and bless your own homemaking endeavors.
In recent news, this blog and Etsy business have been growing steadily as time goes on.
When starting this blog, little did I know that my Homemade hazelnut coffee creamer would become the most popular recipe on the blog and that How to use beeswax bread bags would bring in an astounding amount of traffic!
Products offered-
and much more! Check out my SHOP page here, or find everything in my Etsy shop.
I have done freelance writing for recipe and homestead related blogs. Contact me for more information and rates!